PlotDefo Command (Plot Deformation)#
PlotDefo is the command that should be used to plot the deformed model (At the current step).
The structure of the command#
PlotDefo (plotmode=1, **kwargs)
- plotmode
For different python editors there is a need to consider some settings to plot the figure. There are different modes to plot figures and if your editor does not show the figure change the number of the mode! (1,2,3,4,5,6)
- **kwargs
Stands for other options that user can use to provide desired changes in the plot. In the following the existing options are described.
PlotDefo Command Options
- scale_factor Option
- draw_wire_shadow Option
- draw_nodes Option
- show_nodes_tag Option
- show_elemens_tag Option
- onhover_message Option
- title Option
- fig_width and fig_height Options
- elements_data_tag and elements_data Options
- nodes_data_tag and nodes_data Options
- image_type and image_filename Options
- plot_legends Option
- vertical_axis Option
- show_constrained and not_show_retained_list and constrained_size Options
- Nodes_Size_tag and Nodes_Size Options
- Nodes_color_tag and Nodes_color Options
- Element_color_tag and Elements_color Options
- Elements_width Option
- supports_size and show_supports_desc Options