Welcome to BraineryWiz’s documentation!#
BraineryWiz is mainly a Python package for plotting OpenSees (A Finite Element analyze Software) models. There is also a TCL version that can be used to show the OpenSees models created using TCL programming language. Beside them FEMWiz is a Python package that currently exist inside the Python version of BraineryWiz to plot any Finite Element models.
RGquivers_size option for Python added. Date: 12/17/2024
Shrink_size option for Python added. Date: 12/17/2024
BraineryWiz Version 0.96.1 for Python users Released. (Attention: Requires Python Version 3.12.3) Date: 12/17/2024
BraineryWiz for TCL New Version Released (OpenSees 3.6.0). Date: 5/29/2024
BraineryWiz Version 0.95 for Python users Released. Date: 5/29/2024
Supports can now be plotted for TCL. Not only for PlotModel and also now is available for PlotAnime and PlotDefo and PlotModeShape. Date: 5/27/2024
Supports can now be plotted for Python. Not only for PlotModel and also now is available for PlotAnime and PlotDefo and PlotModeShape and RealTime. Date: 5/27/2024
BraineryWiz for TCL New Version Released (OpenSees 3.6.0). Date: 5/22/2024
QuiversSize option added for TCL version for plotting local axis. Date: 5/22/2024
FigWidth and FigHeight options added for TCL version. Date: 5/22/2024
In this part you will get the documentation of the Python version of BraineryWiz to plot OpenSees models and the description of commands has been presented.
In this part the installation of TCL Version of BraineryWiz explained and also it is expressed how to use it for plotting OpenSees TCL models.
This part is for using FEM-Wiz. Using this part in Python environment you will be able to plot any finite element model. It is described more with examples.
Send us any bug if you encounter with and also any requirement if you need to be considered in plots.
Programming Ethics : (Responsibility about Users Privacy)
This is Bijan Sayyafzadeh, Because this package is not an opensource code, by this text I state that I’m the main developer and responsible of all code lines of this package and it is stated by me that the program has been written by completely respect to the users privacy and their data and their privacy and there is no collection, monitoring, and exchange of users personal information and data in this package and I am the main responsible of this ethical statement. This statement is valid for both Python and TCL and FEM versions for all the time.